I came back from the 2013 Crime Bake yesterday afternoon. I had a wonderful time, met many other authors (both published and unpublished) and went to some great training session and panels. During a Masters Class on Pacing done by Paul Doiron, I suddenly got an idea of how to turn my story, Transmutation: Arizad (I posted the prologue a few weeks ago) into a paranormal mystery. I started making notes right away.
The guest of honor this year was Meg Gardiner, who was very genuine and easy to talk to. She dressed up in costume, like the rest of us, at the costume banquet (a Hawaiian shirt and grass skirt - which was exactly what I wanted to wear, but couldn't find a grass skirt!).
Next year's guest of honor will be Craig Johnson, so I'm really looking forward to that - I love the Longmire series!
At breakfast yesterday morning, Hank Phillip Ryan sat next to me. I must say that I was very impressed by her. For a woman as accomplished as she is (investigative reporter and author) she was very down to earth and willing to help those of us still struggling to get published. She gave all of us at the table her cards and took cards from those of us that brought them (I'm definitely having some cards made!) and told us that we could contact her any time.
So, I have to say that I had an even better time than I did at last year's Crime Bake. I can't wait for next years!
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